Gratitude, On Shuffle
With a share of a section championship in hand, the Cavaliers were awarded a home match for the first round of the playoffs. This again brought more attention to Thad and the team. Thad was discussed on MSA's selection show, and the threat of this team making a playoff run really had teams outside section 1AAA paying attention to this issue.
#summerofUS What's in a hashtag?
Winners of the Jaime Vick Moran Scholarship announced!
No Time to Stop
The Pauno Effect
Our Volleyball Story, a presentation.
Check out the "trailer" to our blog!
Great music, touching photographs, and our story.
The Journey, Our Volleyball Story
Great music, touching photographs, and our story.
and then, Angels
Our story in the media
As we approach this part of the story, I wanted to share this video with you all. Up until this point I had seen Jaime being so courageous, helping Ellen deal with her treatments, sharing tips and stories about what she was going through. I'm not sure I had ever seen her down. In this video she did with Andrew Stockey she let her guard down a bit. I'm not sure many of us outside her family saw her this vulnerable, and I remember that it shook me up.
Later as Thanksgiving approached Jory Rand came out to the school to do a special story on both Ellen and Jaime. By this time both were doing so well, and the mood was much more positive.
We are so thankful for the media and their professionalism and kindness.
Later as Thanksgiving approached Jory Rand came out to the school to do a special story on both Ellen and Jaime. By this time both were doing so well, and the mood was much more positive.
We are so thankful for the media and their professionalism and kindness.
Video from the first gathering of Fluorescent Angels
Thanks to my Flyer fans in Philly! Ricky C., You da man!
Thanks to my Flyer fans in Philly! Ricky C., You da man!
What do we do now...
Did you know you should "Expect More"?
Our story Compelled KDKA to make us part of their "Expect More" commercial series.
You can view it right here...
You can view it right here...
Debbie Vick, Jaime's mom remembering "The Bus Ride"
The Bus Ride
These were Good Times
This is getting so difficult
I know that writing these stories has a dual purpose. One is to detail this courageous story one last time, making sure we have it here, so we can remember. The other is more selfish. I need to get this out of me, before the memories fade. There is a cost however as I get closer and closer to the parts of this story I hate the most.