This is not the Time to Spike the Ball

The news looks promising this morning. Models have been updated downward for the most part, depending on where you are in the country, the news “looks” better. This, however, doesn’t mean it is time for a celebratory dance. It is proof that social distancing is working. We must continue or risk the chance of second wave or upturn in the curve. Nobody wants that.

Whether you are a believer or a denier in the process, it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that this is what we have. We are successfully staying apart. We are finding new ways of being, existing, communicating, exercising, thriving. We are called to care for each other in new ways everyday, and we are responding to that challenge. I’m still frightened for sure, but I feel my heart loving and missing my family, my friends, and my activities, yeah, even my work. While on the surface it sucks, down deep, the mindful part of me is expanding. Taking all of this for granted was a sin. I now repent from that way of life.

If we are all lucky enough to see the other side of this pandemic we will be called on to be something more. We will morn for those souls who were not as fortunate, but then we will rise from the ashes, renewed. This isolation is the cocoon. We are butterflies.

Butterflies don’t exit the cocoon until they are fully formed. Spring leads to summer. This summer, butterflies will rule the day. Stay safe, stay home. Feel the sorrow of loss and longing. Name it, so when it arises it is recognizable. That is the mindful test we must pass to exit the cocoon.

So while today’s news is better, it’s not time to spike the ball. Patience friends. Spring indeed leads to Summer. The Summer of the Butterfly.

Also, submitting this idea I had for makeshift masks from last week. Important footnote. Long sleeve shirts may work even better. Hoodies even better than that. Also, work those biceps. There is gonna be a lit Gun Show if we all follow this plan. Butterflies and Gun Shows… Not natural partners, but hey, natural is a changing…

Stay well everyone,

Love yinz,
